Monday, September 2, 2013

Week two spotlight is an unpublished author with a work in progress.

This is why I chose author Stephen De Marino; once again when I was looking for the first four authors in to start us out I put names in a hat. What made me place Stephen's name in the hat was that he'd just recently sent me pages to read from his WIP.

I took the pages with me to work, on occasion after I had run the audit, and finished all tasks on my checklist, I would have time to look over projects, and books, people send me to read. I read Stephen's pages very quickly, not because they were a quick read, but because I was riveted.

His work excited me on a level that I had not felt in quite some time. As I say each author I spotlight has given me a spark and a reason to offer them a slot be they published or not. Strongly descriptive words building a world for me that I felt was akin to one of my favourite authors Raymond Chandler. I'll be speaking more on that when I post my review of his work.

I shared the pages with my co-worker who is always up to reading new authors, He enjoyed what he read as well, and gave me his opinion on it.

We all start somewhere, and we all need that chance to be recognised for the worlds we build and share. There are many of you out there; I know this, and that is why I am giving you spotlights as well. I wrote my first book when I was fifteen, twenty-two years later I am finally sharing my work with the world. It takes a certain kind of steel in the veins to be an indy in my book, Stephen took the chance to show me something. He put it on the line, and is one of us who dared to dream.
Sorry this is so late, I will make it up to you, Steve.



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