Tuesday, August 20, 2013


This morning I met an author whose story broke my heart. I was bullied as a child, being beaten up and injured was almost a daily occurrence. So nothing angers me more than seeing someone being bulled.

A beautiful author Lauren Pippa has cancelled her début novel because of an onslaught of Goodreads trolls. She went to the message boards to inquire why a goodreads user can rate a book before reading it. She faced the sort of rage one might expect from a hot button political debate or kicking a hornets nest. She was told that users can and will do whatever they want, not only that but the harassment went so far as to suggest she be raped and sodomized.

So here comes our society's rape culture rearing its ugly head! I am a firm believer that there is a class war on women, and sometimes because of the nature of the beast other women will target one another. "Mean girls" and the likes. They troll and harass because they can, I've been witnessing it all over, including people who will send death threats in fan flame wars. Rape is a form of control and to suggest the author be raped was saying "I can control you and cause you fear."The last bastion of a coward who is hiding behind a computer screen.

No author should be stopped before they start.

I am an atheist and I am so because I was tired of seeing people who say " Judge least ye be judged." turn around and judge someone. I was tired of seeing them say " Love they neighbour" but slipping notes under the door of their neighbour’s home telling them to euthanize their young autistic son. When I stepped away from religion I did so to become accountable for my own behaviour and reputation. I do not believe I will pay cosmically for being a bad person after death, I believe I am judged and responsible for my reputation in the here and now. Perhaps if more people were made responsible for their reputations publicly there will be  less harm done to fellow human beings.

Lauren, please publish that book!

Please do, please do not allow anyone to stop you. I know you aren't letting the bullies win by pulling your novel because yes your safety and health is more important. However, there are more out there who have opened their hearts to you and want to bring you to a place of love and safety. We want to read and support your work.

You have an open invite to join us on the Island of Misfit Indy Authors and I would love to give you a spot light and some promotion to restore your faith in humanity.


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